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Podcast Episodes

 Each week we interview important global figures in macro finance and economics. We explore classical supply side economics, MMT, macro-trends, hard money theory, political economy and much more. The world is changing rapidly  and it’s never been more important to have access to the best thinking on the issues that matter.

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Dan Oliver – Myrmikan Capital

Dan Oliver – Myrmikan Capital

Dan Oliver is the author of an important upcoming book called Golden Tears and is also the founder of the respected research firm and junior miner specialists, Myrmikan Capital. In this fascinating interview Dan takes us on a journey into the incredible history of King Louis XIV, the banking machinations of John Law, the establishment of the Mississippi Company and the resulting credit bubble and much more.

Supply Side University Lesson 4

Supply Side University Lesson 4

What’s the difference between a casino and current global equity markets? Answer….not much! In this episode we explore Lesson 4 in Jude Wanniski’s Supply Side University. We talk about gambling, mal-investment, and more. How do taxes condition the choices we make in terms of productive asset allocation instead of wild and destructive speculation?

Banking System Instability

Banking System Instability

Between 1945 and 1971 when the world financial system was still linked to gold under the Bretton Woods system we saw only one banking crisis on the entire planet. Between 1971 and 2000 there were 19 crises!
In this episode I reference some great data from Richard Duncan’s seminal book The Dollar Crisis and a great study from The Bank of England.

The Limits of Government

The Limits of Government

In this short episode it’s time to discuss the reasonable limits of government. The pandemic has vastly extended most governments prodigious overreach into every area of public and private existence.
I explore some recent insights from economist Judith Sloan, social and historical commentator, Henry Ergas and finally thoughts about the reality of what ‘the state’ really is, from Friedrich Von Hayek.

Tom Giovanetti And The Institute for Policy Innovation

Tom Giovanetti And The Institute for Policy Innovation

Tom Giovanetti is the President of the Institute for Policy Innovation in the United States. The Institute is a free-market policy think tank that focuses on issues related to economic growth, innovation, limited government and individual liberty. In this special interview we explore crucial issues related to government policy, tax, stable money, innovation and much more.

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Live Every Thursday @ 9am

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